We are waiting for a turn.(*^◯^*)
Tour group
Category: 未分類
This is the place where it is said that Jesus Christ was buried! There is a long ques to get in there! Tour group
For Digest Movie?
Mayu-chan the film group staff is shooting the rock that looks like a skull(ノ)`ω´(ヾ) Since she wears a scarf, she can be mistaken as a local people(੭ ᐕ)੭ Tour group
Here is the place where it is said to be Golgotha! … We cannot tell the skull with some stone wall crumbling down(*_*) Tour group
To the Hotel
God has come down on us and prayer time has been blessed(´∪`○) See you tomorrow, Mt of Olives(。・ω・。)ノ♪ Mt of Olives group
We are heading to the Golgoda further into the park! Tour group
We are leaving for the hotel. Mt of Olives group
Playback: Lunch
Ladies are gathering at this table(*´◒`*) Tour group
Playback: Lunch
At this table everybody has a lot of food on each plate! Tour group